Services We Offer
Fertilizer – Supplies the turfgrass with nutrients for a healthy, green lawn.
Surface Insect Control – Prevent turfgrass damage from surface crawling insects.
Weed Control – Post-emergent herbicide control sprayed onto actively growing weeds.
Crabgrass Pre-emergence Control – Applied in the Spring to prevent crabgrass infestation.
Flea & Tick Treatment – Liquid insecticide applied to the turfgrass to reduce infestation.
Limestone – Calcium enhanced lime to raise pH and release bound-up fertilizer in the soil.
Grub Prevention – Applied to prevent the damage incurred by grub infestations.
Fungus Control – This product is applied to reduce the harmful effects from Fungi in the soil.
Injection Seeding – Seed is sliced into the soil and placed at the proper depth for maximum germination.
Total Lawn Renovation – The existing vegetation in the lawn will be nullified. Several days later, quality seed is sliced into the soil and placed at the proper depth for maximum germination.