Agri-Tech FAQ's
Yes. Please contact our friendly and courteous front office to request a free evaluation of your property. We will provide you with a brochure, estimate for services and details about your lawn and its needs.
Agri-Tech is available Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm. If we are unable to answer the phone during normal business hours, please leave a message and we will return your call promptly. If it is after hours, we will return your call the next business morning..
Our office staff is extremely knowledgeable about the lawn care industry.
Yes. Our vehicles are insured and we have Worker’s Compensation. Call the office if you require a Certificate of Insurance.
Yes. Our Pesticide License # is 93736A. All of our Service Technicians are also licensed.
We offer 2 different programs. Please visit the “Services” tab to view the programs and services we offer.
Yes. New Jersey State Sales Tax is collected on all services. Please add the current NJ State Sales Tax to all prices quoted.
Checks, Money Order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
Our terms are Net 15 days. Interest will accrue after 30 days.
Yes. Agri-Tech can start at anytime and work from your existing program (if applicable).
Call the office at 732-462-9444 to advise us of your concern and our front office will address your questions.
Yes, 95% of the time. If a Service Tech is on vacation or out-sick, we may have someone else service your lawn.
Agri-Tech will place a pesticide flag at the driveway area at the beginning of the treatment. We will leave an informational fact sheet pertaining to the treatment at the front door or in the mailbox.
The Department of Environmental Protection advises home & business owners to remain off the lawn for 24 hours.
You must keep the flag on the lawn for 72 hours. After that period you should discard the flag.
No. Customers who receive all of their scheduled treatments will not be charged for service calls between treatments.
Call the office immediately. We will schedule a Service Call and have a Service Technician evaluate your lawn within approximately 48 business hours.
Depending on the temperatures, there is a range of “how often” and “how long” to water. Agri-Tech will supply you with a watering & mowing guide to provide you with the information needed. You can also view the guide on the News/Updates tab. (or the tab you place it under.)
You can run ½ one day and ½ the next day. It’s okay to split the watering on 2 different days if you have too many irrigation zones.
No. Watering the lawn after 8pm can cause fungal activity during the warmer months. Best time to water is in the early morning hours.
The mower should be set at the highest setting. The height of the grass should be approximately 3 ½ - 4 inches.
The blades on the mower need to be sharpened.
Sometimes if the lawn grows too high and is mowed, it can lose some of that vibrant green color. If the lawn is mowed too short, this can also cause the light color appearance. This is temporary. After a few weeks of watering, the color will return.
There are many species of weeds and can typically take 14 – 21 days to die off. The first sign of weeds dying is “curling” of the outer edges.
Yes. Our email address is .
We offer a Prepayment discount to customers who prepay for the yearly service. Please call the office to inquire about the discount percentage that we are currently offering.
If you have prepaid for services and need to cancel, Agri-Tech will refund any unused monies in the original form of payment.
Please call the office and speak with an Agri-Tech representative to advise your need and reason for cancellation. You’re always welcome to resume service at anytime.
Yes. Agri-Tech will charge 1.5% interest on all balances over 30 days.
If a check is returned, unpaid from the bank for any reason, there is a $15.00 return check fee.
No. Agri-Tech operates 12 months a year. We close for 2 weeks during the December Holiday Season.
Yes. By allowing us to apply one treatment to your lawn, you have agreed to a “commitment to continued service”. We automatically renew your current service each spring unless otherwise notified.